Oct 27, 2020
Access controls expert, Jody Paterson is here to talk trends in access controls, advice for companies to think through as external audit season is coming up, and of course automating the dreaded user access review!
For more on access control automation be sure to check out the Resources section on the ERP Maestro...
Oct 20, 2020
Everyday ethicist Jo Erven talks about Total Ethical Auditing, the three types of character choices we can make, Total Quality Auditing, and the biggest factor in determining a successful organization (hint: it's not their profits or strategy).
You can pre-order her latest book Becoming The Everyday Ethicist through...
Oct 13, 2020
Documentation expert Marie Mills talks policies and procedures and why we should care about them in the audit profession.
There's been a lot of talk around culture recently and while Marie says that P&P's won't solve culture issues, she says they'll help bring them to the surface. I loved that quote.
You can get in...
Oct 6, 2020
Report-writing expert Margie Bastolla explains the mindset we should have and who we should keep in mind when writing audit reports.
Having trained thousands of auditors across 40 countries, Margie's seen it all and provides her biggest takeaway on the audit report writing process.
To schedule time with Margie you...